How To Stop Bugs Eating Your Vegetables

It doesn’t matter how many plants you try to grow, bugs will always find a way to ruin your vegetables. You might be wondering what you can do about this pest problem without using harmful chemicals or sprays.

As a whole it is best to repel bugs instead of having to get rid of them. Cinnamon, garlic, marigolds and onions are good ways to deter bugs from entering your garden. Natural pesticides including vinegar, pepper sauce, honey and baking soda are ways to stop bugs from eating your garden after there already there.

Organic Ways To Get Rid Of Bugs In Garden

Set up a bug trap

You can get rid of bugs by setting up a bug trap. You can buy these traps online or you can make your own using an empty toilet paper roll and some string. Bugs are attracted to the smell of the bait inside the trap so they will come in, get stuck on the sticky side, and die. You must change out your bait every few days to ensure no development of resistance to your traps.

Use cinnamon oil

Cinnamon oil is a natural pesticide that naturally repels ants, flies, wasps, and other insects. Pour some cinnamon oil into a spray bottle with water and mist away! This works best when the pests have not yet seen you coming because they won’t know which way to run.

Create a homemade insecticide

If you love making things from scratch, this recipe is for you! Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar with one tablespoon of cream of tartar with one teaspoon of lemon juice and two teaspoons of vanilla extract in a small bowl. After this mixture has dissolved completely in warm water, spray it onto your plants and watch as those pesky bugs leave your garden for good!

Use a garlic spray

Garlic is a natural repellent for many pests, such as aphids, spider mites, whiteflies, and beetles. To make a garlic spray:

  1. Mince two garlic cloves and add it to 1 cup of water.
  2. Let the mixture sit for 24 hours, then strain it into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray this mixture onto your plants every few days to keep the bugs away.

Plant marigolds

Marigolds are a great way to deter pests because they release a strong aroma that bugs don’t like. They also work as a companion plant for tomatoes and other vegetables because they help to repel Tomato Hornworms. You can plant them in your garden, or you can purchase marigold seeds and plant them on the outskirts of your garden.

Best Natural Pesticides

Vinegar: As a natural pesticide, vinegar is a great option for ridding your vegetable garden of bugs. It’s also safe for kids and pets to use, which makes it appealing to many. Just soak sweet potatoes in white vinegar overnight and you’ll have a bug-free vegetable come morning.

Honey: If you’re struggling with cucumber beetles on your tomatoes, try dousing the plants with liquid honey mixed at 1 part honey to 10 parts water and let it sit overnight before washing away the next day. The bees will do the rest!

Hot Pepper Sauce: If the bugs are getting too much for you, just smothering them with hot pepper sauce can do the trick! Mix 2 tablespoons of this staple condiment with 2 tablespoons of water and apply it to both sides of each plant’s leaves; leave on overnight as needed or until completely gone.

Baking Soda: If pests like aphids are infesting your vegetable garden, sprinkle baking soda liberally all over leaves and stems where they hide out from predators like birds and ladybugs like this to keep them away from your crops as well as killing them off slowly.

Onions: Onions work as a great deterrent for pests such as aphids, ants, and beetles. If you grow your vegetables then plant them around the perimeter of your garden! Onions can also be purchased at your local grocery store if you don’t want to grow them yourself. They will not only repel bugs but they are also one of the most versatile vegetables out there! You can cut an onion in half and rub it on any surface that you believe has been infested with ants or other insects. The onion will help to draw out any hidden insects hiding underneath furniture or appliances. Another use is putting 3-5 slices of onion into a cup with some water overnight near areas where bugs tend to gather; ants and other insects dislike the strong smell of onion and will leave your space to find another. Learn more about onions in our Common Garden Onion Questions post!

Plants That Repel Bugs

There are so many plants that repel bugs, but not all of them are edible. Some plants are toxic, too. It’s important to know which plants will keep the bugs away and which plants won’t be effective.


Asparagus is an excellent way to keep aphids away from your vegetables because it releases a chemical that will repel these tiny insects even when they are not visible! To plant asparagus, simply place the root in well-drained soil about 3 inches deep and cover with one inch of loose dirt. As the shoots grow out of the ground, collect them, and use them in dishes or cook them for their nutritional benefits. You can also harvest the roots yourself–be sure to leave 5-6 shoots to mature so you’ll have plenty of healthy stalks coming up next year too!


Mint is another great natural repellent when it comes to keeping bugs away from your garden. It’s a strong-smelling plant, so bugs tend to stay clear. Plant mint near doorways and windows to help keep unwanted pests out of your home. You can also make a mint tea infusion and use it as a spray to keep bugs at bay while you’re working in the garden.


Lavender is an herb that is beautiful and effective in repelling unwanted pests. Plant lavender around the edges of your garden to keep ants, aphids, and other insects away from your plants. The fragrance from the lavender will also help to keep mosquitoes away while you’re enjoying a summer BBQ!

Need some ideas for how to incorporate lavender into your garden? Check out our Lavender Garden Ideas!


Rue is a great way to keep bugs away from your garden without spraying pesticides on them! This pungent plant is strong enough to keep rabbits away from gardens as well. You can use rue as a deterrent for any other pests that come near the area, simply place some rue next to the plants if needed. Over time, however, can become full of toxicity so it’s best to plant it in one area so there is no risk of poisoning other areas.


Marigolds are the most common flowers to use for repelling bugs because they have a strong smell that most pests will avoid. Plant them around your garden to repel insects, or place cuttings near cracks and crevices where you think the ants might get in. The roots of marigold plants can be quite deep which means they grow well in almost any soil type! Check out our post on marigolds to learn how this versatile flower can help in your garden.

To keep bugs from eating your vegetables, it’s important to make sure you’re planting the right vegetable in the right place. For example, if you have a garden that is more exposed to pests and insects, try some of these plants for protection! Plants such as marigolds can help repel many different types of pests, including Japanese beetles. Also, consider using pesticides or companion planting, which will help deter pesky critters from feasting on your prized produce.


Readyinform a writer for has been gardening for over 10 years. Through trial and error they have learned to navigate the complexity of gardening. From simple garden bed design to solving plant distress problems. Born in the Midwest and gardening in a zone 5 has allowed Readinform to gather knowledge on a wide range of gardening zones.

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